Smarter Not Harder

Ever wonder if you are doing things harder than they should be done? Yea…me too! When I have that feeling I get to researching…

So what’s the solution and how can you make it easier? How about doing it smarter? I know that SOUNDS easy, but there are a couple things you can do that will make the world of difference in your day.

Write it down!

  • To-Do List! Pen to paper works for most people, but I find that those notes end up cluttering your kitchen counter, office desk, side tables, car seat, purse…even end up from the pocket to wash. So go virtual! Pick up your phone or open your laptop/computer and Google best free To-Do List apps. Pick one that looks like it will work for you and install from Google Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (iOS). The great thing about FREE apps is you can try it and delete it if you it doesn’t fit your style. Try a different one until you find one you like. Then…use it! Get in the habit of using a virtual tool to reduce paper waste and clutter.
  • Calendar Apps! A paper planner is neater than notes for sure because it’s contained in one place so I am not as stuck on virtual planners as I am To-Do Lists. However, to reduce the amount of items you carry with you, a virtual app on your phone (which most people ALWAYS carry with them) is the better option. There are so many calendar apps that have multiple functions, but keep it simple if you like. I prefer Google Calendar because it’s updated and accessible from any device (phone, laptop, desktop) and allows me to setup reminders that pop up on my phone.

Start with those two suggestions to reduce the clutter in your space. Get adjusted to using them daily and you may find yourself looking for other apps that make your daily life easier and more efficient.

Let me know what you think by rating below and look for more ideas coming soon!

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Life Hacks I

I am known as McGyver Mom to my kids and their friends. Why? Because I can re-purpose anything into something useful. Not because I am super creative, but I don’t like to waste or toss useful things. I also don’t like to spend money. LOL!

I am going to share a few ideas in this and following posts that I implement in my personal organizing services…for FREE! I am a super sharer (yep, I just made it a word) and I like to help people which is why I do what I do. Now, these ideas may not be unique. You may already know about and use them. Great! Then share them with your friends or better yet…direct them to my site to learn more life hacks as I post them.

Household items

  • Small home projects! Jelly roll pans make great platforms for messy projects. They keep glitter contained, paint off your table, homemade slime doesn’t get all over the counter when your kids are making it (who am I kidding? I meant when YOU are making it for the kids). Jelly roll pans are also a great place for paintings to dry and clay molds to harden, easily transport the project to another space and are a solid base for homemade items that may shift and break apart. You can cover them with tinfoil or paper to enhance the craft on top. Can you tell I love jelly roll pans and projects? 🙂
  • Decorating! Do you have a surplus of magazines you’ve read or received, but not interested in reading? Don’t toss them just yet. They are perfect to use as solid platforms on top of kitchen cabinets to raise decorative items. Stack as many as it takes to raise the item (vases, signs, bowls, knick knacks) just enough to see the item, but not the magazine from floor level. Now, don’t forget to get up there and dust them when you do your spring and fall cleaning. If you aren’t cleaning on top of your cabinets before you decorated on top of them you definitely should now. You will be surprised at how dusty it is up there and how stinky dust is. At least once a year those tops should get a good cleaning by vacuuming or wiping down with a good grease cutter that won’t mess up the cabinet finish. I like Krud Kutter the best, but there are many good products on the market.
  • Multitasking Organizer! One of my most favorite organizing household items is (drum roll, please!)… over the door pocket shoe holder. I personally like the fabric type because you can’t see through the pockets like the clear plastic ones which makes things look more organized and they are more durable as well. These organizer gems are so versatile that I have one for every door possible. To keep things neat I don’t put them on the side of doors that are easily visible, but pantries, bathrooms, linen closets, laundry room, hall closet and even a wall in the garage are perfect locations. Uses: shoes (of course), medicine cabinet items, spices, personal items, rolled up undergarments, makeup and personal hygiene, household cleaners, arts and crafts (which is what I use the one I screwed into the wall in my garage for), tools, small stuffed animals and toys, kitchen pantry items and so MUCH more. You can even use a Sharpie or removable sticker to label the contents.

Please come back for more life hacks you can use or share! In the meantime please rate this one below.

Rating: 1 out of 5.